An inquisitive mouse balances on two ears of wheat to take a close look at one of the cameras
A harvest mouse uses all four legs and its tail to steady itself on two stalks of grass
Another one snares a cicada in the reed beds of Alsace, France
A harvest mouse wraps its tail around a plant stem to help it balance while it investigates
A female harvest mouse rolls her baby carefully up a plant stem towards her nest
To demonstrate how the mice often take to the water in the wet meadows they inhabit, 55-year-old Jean-Louis and 46-year-old Marie-Luce gave one of their subjects a dip in a mouse-sized aquarium before releasing it into the wild.
A cobweb creates a stunning backdrop for a male perched on canary grass
A harvest mouse keeps watch from the safety of its nest made from Phragmites reeds
Inside her nest, a female regurgitates to feed her ten-day-old babies
An adventurous young mouse getting into an unusual position - hanging from the tails of three of its siblings.
Harvest mice are extremely agile creatures. Here is one effortlessly climbing down a wheat stalk
A mouse licking drops of water off a leaf
A harvest mouse uses the head of another to support himself as it examines some interesting object in the distance.

Two harvest mice play with each other.
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